As usual, i make a very last minute decision to join them this round, thank you for alvin and roberts help, also aaron photo shooting under the hot sun.
The participation fee is RM50 + One day lisence RM10, so total participants need to pay is RM60.
We meet up with Boon(Putra), Suhaimie (Wira 1800 mivec) near BJ and we depart at around 6.30am, we cruise all the way to ipoh Giant.. We reach there and we look at the course, you will get a shock, in order for you to remember the course, you needs to do HOMEWORK!!
(Doing course walk, only helps a little bit)
I Pick 69 as my car number haha... Best Position!!
Q-ing up for Practice
And the morning session is for kid go-kart event, autokhana start around 3pm... and here we go!!
My Car in Action!
Alvin's R3
Robert's Terminator
Here are some pics for other participants..
Everyone were given 3 runs, and they will add your best 2 laps for your ranking.. after 3 tiring laps, we all sitting down and enjoy the video that taken by friends.
Robert won 2nd for his 1300 category, I won champion in 1800 category follow by Alvin 2nd in same category..
For the Result please click here
Thanks to everyone!